Reflections on the Past Year

Hey! Katelyn here! A month ago, I interviewed at Synergy, not really sure what I was getting myself into. Last week, I asked Sam and Michael what they had planned for the anniversary of the company and realized they hadn’t quite remembered it was this week! So, they took some time from their crazy schedules and wrote some thoughts on what the past year has meant to them.

From Sam:

I’m often asked, “How’s the new business going?” What a loaded question. There are so many different ways to assess that:

From a “quantity of work” standpoint we have done really well. Several people have taken the risk that we know what we’re doing and can do it well, and have thus trusted us with hundreds of thousands of dollars. That’s humbling and gratifying. It is also life-giving...the only way we can ever succeed in this industry is by executing projects and building a portfolio.

From a “making a living” standpoint we have done really well. A lot of start-ups require the owners to use up a nest egg or work a second job at the same time to make ends meet. We are not getting rich, but we have been able to pay ourselves and our employees (two full-time and three part-time) every pay period. That feels like a huge accomplishment.

From a “balancing everything” standpoint...hmmm. Maybe not always so good. I got some advice from a local entrepreneur who said, “If you can’t get your work done in 40 hours a week, you’re just not good enough at it, yet.” I have attempted to keep my hours to 45-50 per week, but often eat into my work days with family fun and local ministry opportunities. Is there room for improvement here? You bet. I know I need to keep learning how to do my job well. Part of the answer is hiring the help we need, and Katelyn was a strategic hire for us. I believe that at this time next year I’ll have a lot to say about her impact on my ability to balance my work and family and ministry life.

I don’t always know what people mean when they ask how the business is going, but what I often hear in my head is, “Are you still glad you made the switch from being an employee at a stable, successful business to being a partner in a start-up?” My answer to that is an unqualified, “Yes.” There are lots of standard perks to owning your own business; I love being able to take a long lunch to meet with a friend, take a day to move my daughter into her dorm, or help plan a sermon series with one of my pastors. I enjoy working with Michael to set the vision for the company and draft new strategies for conquering the world. But probably my favorite part of the change is being the one who interacts with the client from the first meeting to the end of the project. I love people...and yes, they all have issues (even me), but I love connection, and I have that in a new way in this business change. I am working with people on what is often the largest expenditure they will ever have, which means it is probably one of the most emotional and life-changing events of their lives. It is a privilege and joy to walk with them through that experience. I believe I bring stability, wisdom, and perspective that adds real value to their lives. So, how is the new business going? Great. Thanks for asking.”

From Michael:

Yesterday, Synergy Partnerships LLC celebrated our first anniversary! This past year has been full of adventure and hard work. The first year of a new business brings so many variables, both known and unknown. When faced with the unknown tough challenges we have had to keep our focus on our main goal, our ‘North Star.’ For us, like most entrepreneurs, our goal was to start our own company to free ourselves from the restriction of growth and to provide a better service for our clients.

The home building and renovation market are like most markets--plagued with uncontrollable circumstances. The cause of this is simple: everyone in our industry is human and our world is unpredictable. Running our own business has made tangible the fact that much of our job as your builder is to be the buffer for the unpredictable. We have been, and are striving to be, proactive when it comes to the scheduling of all the moving pieces. It’s been our job to expect delays and have a solution already in place. Think of us as your shock absorber on the journey of home building.

We are now settled into the start of year two, just as the busy season is ramping up. The first quarter of 2019 has been busy with finishing winter projects, engaging with future home building clients, and building a continued vision for our future. With the warmer weather approaching, we are spending much of our time walking new building sites, laying out house placements and digging holes for our next basements to be placed.

It’s Katelyn again! Although it took a while for the guys to recognize that an entire year had passed, it only goes to show how busy Synergy has been and continues to be. Even though it’s only my third week, I can say with honesty that there has not been a morning that I haven’t been excited to come to work (Sam claims this will never change). All of us are looking forward to another year of work and growth!